Labels:text | font | black and white | screenshot | document OCR: NSTS 17462-50 Revision H 5.2 Detailed Supplementary Objectives - The following Detailed Supplementary Objectives (DSO's) are assigned to this flight: DSO 0314 OV-102 Acceleration Data Collection DSO 0472 Intraocular Pressure DSO 0474 Retinal Photography (The Canon LIA camcorder will be used for # DSO 0478 no more than 2 minutes of video downlink) In-flight LBNP1 DSO 0484 Assessment of Circadian Shifting in Astronauts by Bright Blood Pressure Variability During Space Flight1 Light3 # DSO 0602 # DSO 0603 Orthostatic Function During Entry, Landing, and Egress (0603B Schedule) # DSO 0605 Postural Equilibrium Control During Landing/Egress DSO 0611 Air Monitoring Instrument Evaluation and Atmosphere Characterization, Microbial Air Sampler (MAS) # DSO 0613 (Configuration 2)1 Changes in the Endocr ...